A Mac in my Browser.

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Have you ever used a mac before? If you haven't you don't know what you've been missing... To give you a good idea of how these amazing machines run here's a link to one of the coolest websites I've ran in to, everytime you visit the page you will see a different mac emulator, it's basically a mac which you can use as if it was your own, it behaves just like the real thing, it will obviously have some limitations but you'll get a good idea.

Check it out, click HERE!


Video Game Console Emulators

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If you are a gamer, growing up as a kid you always wished you would get all the video games your heart desired but didn't have the money to get them or even to play the games... Here's something to make it up!

While browsing for games on the net, I ran in to the world of Video Game Emmulation. An emulator is an application that runs on your PC or MAC that mimics a speciffic video game console, normally emulators don't need to be installed to run, most of them are standalone executables that start the app. when ran. The games are known as ROMs you simply open the ROM from within the emulator and start playing.

If you want to try it out, here's a few links:

Get Emulators:


Get ROMs:


